<aside> 💡 This minimally designed personal dashboard streamlines your daily planning, removing the stress of creating a new to-do list each day.

✔️ Simply change the tasks within the daily buttons to reflect your most repetitive to-do's (TIP: don’t forget to include the “happy habits” that energize you!). When a new week begins, erase your daily checklists, and start fresh by clicking the button to fill in your upcoming responsibilities and priorities.

⚡️ Utilize the "PRIORITY of the day" slot within each day plan to ensure you're focusing your time and energy on what matters most.

✔️ Keep track of repetitive monthly and annual tasks (such as infrequent bill payments, home maintenance tasks, etc.) within the hidden toggles so that you can effortlessly plan ahead.

✔️ Use the “PENDING TO-DO…” section at the bottom of the page to keep track of those random, deadline-free tasks that come to mind every so often.


Brain Dump [template]

Gratitude Journal [template]

Thought Journal [template]

Meal Planner

<aside> 👉🏼 Important this week…
